the secret authority of the language of god

the secret authority of the language of god

secret, authority, language, and god are all obviously just words. What is the source of these words?


late 14c. (n.), c.1400 (adj.), from L. secretus “set apart,withdrawn, hidden,” originally pp. of secernere “to set apart,” from se- +  -cernere

[C14: via Old French from Latin sēcrētus  concealed, from sēcernere  to sift;

 see secern ]


1646, from Fr. sécrétion, from L. secretionem (nom. secretio)”separation,”

 from pp. stem of secernere “to separate, set apart”(see secret). 

The verb secrete in this sense is a back-formation first attested 1707.

selected, set aside, separated, isolated, divided, consecrated, specially reserved

authority (from author)
c.1300, autor “father,” from O.Fr. auctor, from L. auctorem
(nom.auctor) “enlarger, founder, master, leader,” lit. “one who
causes to grow,” agent noun from auctus, pp. of augere “to increase”
(see augment). Meaning “one who sets forth written statements” is
from late 14c.


late 13c., from O.Fr. langage (12c.), from V.L. *linguaticum, fromL. lingua

“tongue,” also “speech, language” (see lingual).

Related to:
 link, leg, legal, law, lexicon, ligament, joint, join, junction, jugular, conjugal, conjugate, conjoined, yoke, yoga


[Old English god;  related to Old Norse goth,  Old High German got,  

Old Irish guth  voice]

O.E. god “supreme being, deity,” from P.Gmc. *guthan (cf. Du.god, 

Ger. Gott, O.N. guð, Gothguþ), from PIE *ghut- “that which is 

invoked” (cf. Skt. huta- “invoked,” an epithet of Indra), from 

root *gheu(e)- “to call, invoke.”  (voice, declare, claim, assert)

epithet: a characterizing word or phrase firmly associated with a person or thing and 

often used in place of an actual name, title, or the like, 

as “man’s best friend” for “dog.”

The English word “god” invokes an ancient Sanskrit word for “Indra,” as in the Divine Presence or Sacred Essence or Holy Spirit or Secret Authority. Note that when YHWH is translated in to The LORD, that references authority, as in “the king of kings” or the “controlling power of heaven over the earth (a linguistic symbol for subjective perception), rule of god, reign of god, supremacy of god, the realm of god, the kingdom of god, the kingdom of heaven,” and so on. Further, when Logos is translated in to Word, that also references authority, specifically influence through language.

Secret” is a symbolic code of sound, a word which can be written down, and which is spoken through physical bodies and can be heard and recognized through physical bodies.

“Language” is a symbolic code of sound, a word which can be written down, and which is spoken through physical bodies and can be heard and recognized through physical bodies.

“God” is a symbolic code of sound, a word which can be written down, and which is spoken through physical bodies and can be heard and recognized through physical bodies.

The word “god” is related to invocation, to vocalization, to voicing- the speaking of things in to experience, the authoring of perception, the creating or constructing of recognizable patterns, the labeling of reality. Labeling reality influences attention, perception, and behavior.

Why study this? We have been instructed that the godly shall inherit the blessings of god. Godly means godlike. So what is god like? Also, what are the blessings of god?

The blessings of god include all of the qualities of being godly or godlike. We can review several qualities which have been traditionally associated with god. First, we will explore how god is so strong (powerful) as to be meek.



c.1300, from O.Fr. poete (12c.), from L. poeta “poet, author,”
from Gk. poetes “maker, author, poet,” from poein “to make or compose,”
 from PIE *kwoiwo- “making,” from base *qwei- “tomake”
(cf. Skt. cinoti “heaping up, piling up,” O.C.S. cinu “act,deed, order”).
A Roman Catholic church in Poland
Note the CNBC logo for “stocks to watch”
Above, a familiar logo from the Federal Reserve’s “US Dollar Note” bills since 1913.
Note the shining triangle with an eye on the top of the Roman Catholic Cardinal’s hat.
note the shining eye in a triangle behind the Roman Catholic clergy.

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